Stainless Steel Shear bands
For sewer, drain, waste & vent piping Rollee's shear band couplings can connect to all kinds of types of pipe, PVC, Cast Iron, Corregated Steel Pipe, Copper, SDR, ABS, Iron Pipe Size, Ultra Rib, Big-O, C900, Asbestos Cement/ Rough Barrel, Clay, Concrete, etc.

Technical Specs & Code Approvals
Gasket Compound
- Manufactured to meet the material requirements of:
- CSA B602 - mechanical couplings for drain, waste, vent pipe ans sewer pipe
- ASTM C 1173 - Standard Specification for Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Piping Systems
- Hardnesss, Shore "A", Inst. -+5...............60
- Tensile Strength, Min. psi.....................1200
- Elongation at Rupture, Min. %..................300
- Tear Strength, Min.............................200 lb/in.
- Manufactured to the requirements of CSA B602
- Clamp Housing - 301 Stainless Steel
- Clamp Band - 301 Stainless Steel
- Clamp Screw - 304 Stainless Steel
- Installation Torque 60" lbs
Shear Ring
- .012" Thick, 300 Series Stainless Steel
- Width depending on coupling size
- Clamps spot welded in place
- Manufactured to requirements of
- ASTM C 1173 - Standard Specification for Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Piping Systems
- CSA B602 - mechanical couplings for drain, waste, vent pipe and sewer pipe
Rollee's famous shear bands are our best shear resistant coupling that shows who we are as a plumbing manufacturing company. Our shear bands have been used for water parks in the other side of the world, to help DMV drain on bridges, the local hospitals, ice rinks, some of the biggest jobs that require couplings you will see Rollee products being used to secure the perfect fit. Eventhough we are often imitated, our product is the go to for experienced plumbers and pipe fitters.