"Zip II" couplings are made of a flexible PVC rubber and each fitting comes with a stainless steel casing for added strength.
Our Zip II couplings are often a transition type coupling, though we do carry same OD type fittings. Our ZIP II line has the ability to connect from one type and size of pipe to another. Regardless if you are connecting to Cast Iron, Copper, Brass, Iron Pipe, PVC we will always have the necessary coupling for almost every single fittings job. We can even accommodate fittings that are (4" x 3") & (4" x 1/2") and everything in between.
- ZIP II couplings are often sold in sizes from 4", 3", 2", 1" and varying sizes in between. Whether it is 4" x 4, 4" x 3", 4" x 2.50" check our Zip II catalogue for specific SKU's. Sizes not found can still be made with an added additional bushing or fitting. Rollee couplings will fit and complete almost every job. Try our ZIP II's today and find out why our customers say we are the best in the business.
Click on our ZIP II catalogue to see what sizes we offer and their SKU names!